viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Super Sue

We went to see "Super Sue". We went on Thursday the 13th of May in the House of Culture (Kultur etxea) with the students of Barandiaran school. This play is about recycling and taking care of nature. We have been working in class with this project, learning songs, doing activities about the topic. Alice is a normal girl getting ready to go to school in the morning. She turns on the light, she turns on the tap and forgets to turn them off. She throws rubbish on the floor and uses lots and lots of plastic bags. Then, she meets Super Sue who comes to earth to save it by teaching the kids to think about how they can save the world by saving energy, water and recycling. Alice meets the Ugly Bugly, who wants to destroy the world by using up all the resources.

By Anwar and Sara

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